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lip fillers for fuller lips

Lip filler is all the rage, and we see it done – and overdone – on blogger and celebrity faces every day in social media, magazines, ads, and movies. These too-puffy lips have turned a lot of people against lip fillers but there is a right way to do it and that’s what we do at Simply Injectables.

Our expert practitioners emphasize your beautiful lips by giving you a youthful, fresh plumpness that enhances your entire look rather than becoming all people notice. The proper filler procedure will smooth wrinkles around your lips and mouth and bring a youthful fullness to your smile.

How to choose your lip filler

We’ll help you decide which filler will provide the results you want. We start by asking you three questions: if this is the first time you’ve had lip filler, what you’re looking to change and how you describe the result you’re looking for.

At Simply Injectables, we use three different products: Juvéderm Volbella, Juvéderm Ultra XC, and Juvéderm Ultra Plus XC. All three are made from hyaluronic acid, a naturally occurring sugar that you’ll also find in serums and moisturizers. Hyaluronic acid is the ultimate plumper because its molecule attracts 40,000 times its weight in water.

We describe these three products as small, medium, large but that simplifies what they offer.


Juvéderm Volbella

Cost: $400
Syringe amount: .55ml
Duration: 4-8 months
Appointment time: 30 minutes total including 10 minutes for topical numbing and consultation


We refer to this product as simply Volbella and it’s soft, light, and subtle and can even go undetected. Volbella has a lower concentration of hyaluronic acid than the other options so there is less swelling and a lower juiciness factor. Because of the light touch of Volbella, it’s the right choice if you want to refine your lip shape, define your lip borders, prevent vertical lip lines, and leave the house looking like you’ve found your ideal topical lip plumper. For some it’s the perfect effect but for others it’s not nearly enough.

  • Ideal for you if you’ve started noticing thinning lips, lip inversion and slight vertical lip lines.

Juvéderm Ultra XC

Cost: $500
Syringe amount: 1ml
Duration: 10-12 months
Appointment time: 30 minutes total including 10 minutes for topical numbing and consultation

We call this product Juvéderm and it’s best for those looking for longer-lasting plumpness and fuller lips. After the initial swelling has come down, you are left with a natural, pouty, and hydrated result. It should still be difficult for acquaintances to detect. Juvéderm is great for lips because its structural composition is slightly tighter than the other two choices which benefits lip shaping. And your lips have never seen this level of hydration.


Juvéderm Ultra Plus XC

Cost: $500
Syringe amount: 1ml
Duration: 10-12 months
Appointment time: 30 minutes total including 10 minutes for topical numbing and consultation

We refer to this product as Ultra Plus. Ultra Plus is more viscous than Juvéderm Ultra XC but has a higher concentration of hyaluronic acid. This is the product for you if you want that juice. The pillow factor is at its max capacity with this filler. If you want a full bodied, pillowy pout this one’s for you.  

What to know about lip filler

  • The most common side effects of lip filler injections are temporary injection-site redness, swelling, pain/tenderness, firmness, lumps/bumps, and bruising. These side effects are mostly mild to moderate and last 7 days or less.
  • Avoid this procedure if pregnant or breastfeeding.
  • Tell your injector if you have plans for other laser treatments or a chemical peel.
  • Patients who experience skin injury near the site of injection with this product may be at a higher risk for side effects.
  • Tell your injector if you are on immunosuppressive therapy or have a condition that leaves you immunocompromised as this procedure carries the risk of infection.
  • Tell your injector if you have taken aspirin, ibuprofen, or other blood thinners, as these increase likelihood of bruising.
  • Minimize strenuous exercise, exposure to sun or heat, and alcoholic beverages within the first 24 hours following treatment to avoid bruising and excessive swelling.
  • We recommend avoiding lip filler within two weeks of a special event and/or vacation

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