feminine features with injectables

How To Create a More Feminine Look With Botox and Fillers

Emphasize your feminine features

What makes you look and feel masculine or feminine is personal to everyone. We’re subjected to normalized standards based on trends and media, but ideas change from year to year and definitely from decade to decade.

At Simply Injectables, we have a perspective we’ll share here and tell you how we use Botox and dermal fillers to emphasize the look you want. We welcome the LGBTQ community and ensure 100% inclusivity and comfort to everyone. Gender identity is deeply personal, and this article is not meant to be gender binary.

In today’s society contour is hot, probably because of selfies. The internet is filled with make-up contour tutorials and celebrities can’t stop talking about it. The world of injectable contouring is no exception. As injectors, we continually assess where light and shadow fall on the face and how we can alter that for the better. Here are five practical ways to emphasize contour so that makeup application goes so much farther.

Slim jawline

Contour can be emphasized with a few techniques. To start, injecting Botox into the jaw muscles slowly shrink those muscles. Your face will appear more oval and slimmer in the lower half, with effects that naturally bring a highlight to the cheekbones. If you receive 3-4 jaw muscle Botox treatments every 3-4 months for about a year, you will see the best results.

Full, high cheekbones

Second, we would add Juvéderm Voluma to each cheekbone. Highlighting cheekbones is key to feminizing the contour in the face to enhance lateral projection. Professional injectors know just where to add cheekbone filler to create optimal light reflection and natural cheek projection.

Open eyes and arched eyebrows

At Simply Injectables we are always talking about how to lift and brighten the area around the eyes. We use Botox for the third step in feminizing the face. The younger the patient, the more collagen is still being produced and therefore the more effective this technique. When we inject Botox in the muscles that pull in and down around the eyes the result is a lifting and tightening between the eyelid and the brow, giving you a bright-eyed, fresh look. The outer tail of the eyebrow lifts and the eyebrow shape becomes naturally arched.

The Cupid’s bow

Our fourth recommendation for facial feminization is hydrating, defining, and plumping the lips. Have you heard of the Cupid’s bow? This is the M shape in the middle of your top lip. The Cupid’s bow is extremely feminine. Coupled with an outward sloped eversion of the upper lip and you will feel 20 again.

Chin projection

Our final and fifth way to increase a feminine face shape with Botox and fillers is to emphasize chin projection. The chin has an influential part to play in your face shape. A sharp and projected chin does wonders aesthetically. First, it balances the side profile. Second, it sharpens and tightens the jawline and even has a mild effect on tightening the skin under the chin or upper neck area. Third, it emphasizes contour by countering the two high, lateral cheekbone points.

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