kybella rhode island

Firm-Up a Wobbly Chin, Surgery-Free With Kybella

No matter how on point we keep our diet and exercise program, our jawline and chin soften – or even wobble – as we age. It’s a gradual surprise that’s often the first trigger to thinking about a facelift, even if realistically, that’s a step for years down the road. But there is a more cost-effective, non-surgical treatment to try with Kybella.

Kybella is FDA-approved and made from naturally occurring secondary bile salt deoxycholic acid. After just a few treatments, Kybella brings back the sharpness of your jaw and chin by destroying fat cells under the chin permanently. Once destroyed, they can no longer hold the fat that rounds out your jawline or gives you a double chin.

What to expect from Kybella Treatments

Kybella is injected into the under-chin area. The number of injections you need depends on how much fat we’re targeting. Optimal results take up to three treatments with each appointment lasting no longer than 30 minutes. After your visit, expect a period of swelling that can last for as long as a month. Other side effects can include numbness, tenderness, tingling and bruising. This procedure carries a rare risk of facial nerve damage which could cause a crooked smile for up to 6-8 weeks.

Kybella treatments present fewer risks than liposuction and is more time and cost effective than submental CoolSculpting. You will achieve the best results by receiving three treatments, understanding that you can expect a month of swelling after each visit.

The Kybella Treatment Process

Before your Kybella treatment

  • Schedule your Kybella appointment when your calendar has a month free of any important events. Many people like to take advantage of winter months so that scarfs and turtlenecks can be worn to disguise any swelling.
  • Avoid high salt foods, blood thinning agents such as aspirin, ibuprofen, and multivitamins.
  • Take Arnica Montana up to three days before your appointment to help decrease bruising and swelling.
  • If you are sick avoid treatment.

During your Kybella treatment

At your appointment we will review potential side effects and answer any questions you have. Next, you’ll begin icing the under-chin area. Injecting takes about five minutes, then you’ll feel about five more minutes of a kind of burning sensation for a total of 10 minutes of discomfort that you’ll breathe through. Then you can expect the pain to soften to numbness. 

After your Kybella treatment

Ice the injected area as often as you can for the first week after the treatment to significantly decrease the swelling. It’s also important to avoid alcohol, blood thinners, and high intensity work outs for the first 24-72 hours.

If fullness around your chin is making you self-conscious or making you feel heavier than you are and you want to avoid surgery, talk to your Simply Injectables professional about Kybella.



Post-treatment with the 5:5:5 Rule

  • You must massage the treated areas for five minutes, five times a day for five days to reduce any granulomas (small lumps under the skin).
  • Following treatment, you can use cold compresses on the skin to minimize swelling but avoid direct skin contact with ice.
  • Reduce the amount of UV exposure you get and wear a sunscreen of SPF 30 or higher for at least a week following treatments.

Sculptra pros

Sculptra is the right treatment for you if you’re looking for a natural refresh, are an athlete whose face has thinned, or if you’ve simply noticed a loss of facial volume with age and need a general volume repletion. Results are natural and long-lasting. The gradual change over time is an excellent alternative to fillers.

Sculptra cons

Sculptra takes time so if you’re looking for immediate results this isn’t the best option for you. Sculptra procedures require multiple treatments followed by recovery time, with a risk of bruising and swelling. Everyone’s results are different and depend on the amount of collagen restructured so we cannot guarantee your results. Keep in mind that it is not possible to reverse/dissolve Sculptra once it’s been injected. 

Cost of Sculptra

2 vials = full facial treatment so $700/vial is $1400 per treatment

3-4 treatments at six-week intervals with results lasting approximately two years


At Simply Injectables, we can answer any questions you have about Sculptra and talk about the pros and cons for your specific situation.

Make your online appointment now!