slimmer face with botox

Get A Slimmer Face in One Visit with Botox

If you’d like a sleeker, more feminine jawline, more contoured cheekbones, and a softer face shape, we can help you achieve it with a non-surgical, fast, and virtually painless procedure. In fact, it’s referred to as the lunch break procedure because of the many benefits achieved quickly and with minimal risk.

During the procedure, we target the masseter muscles, some of the strongest muscles in the human body, located on each side of your jaw. Used mainly for chewing, the muscles experience too much tension if you chew or grind your teeth often. The result? The masseters grow abnormally large, which can actually alter your facial structure.

We can also see evidence of an altered facial structure by taking a look at the “Triangle of Youth.” When we’re younger, our facial muscles are contoured and defined; cheekbones are higher, and cheeks are fuller, giving us a triangle-shaped face. However, as we age, the tissue sags and fat pads shift within the face, resulting in an inverted triangle shape.

You might also experience a face that sifts more towards a square shape when you could almost draw a straight line from the cheek bone to the bottom of the jaw.

What to expect

During your appointment, we inject Botox into the masseter muscle. The injections provide a multitude of amazing benefits: with a dosage of between 20-40 units, the treatment helps relax the jaw muscles, shrink the area around the chin, and reduce a square face shape.

Realistic Results

Within 6-8 weeks, you’ll see that your face has more of an oval or almond shape and look thinner, with more emphasis on the natural S shape of the cheekbone. The TMJ symptoms such as headaches and teeth grinding will be alleviated within just two weeks.

Following the treatment, you will be able to resume your day as normal with no downtime required but we recommend not laying down or working out for at least four hours post-procedure. Some people have reported a dull ache when chewing afterward, but this should resolve itself within a few days.

Make your online appointment now!