It's All In The Eyes
Botox for the under-eye jelly roll
Smiling, squinting, and frowning all cause wrinkles to appear around our eyes. Some people also get a little bulge under the eye known as a jelly roll. That small pouch forms when the muscle that encircles the eye pulls up and creates a roll under the eye.
One unit of Botox placed here can soften the appearance of this roll. The injection won’t completely eliminate undereye fine lines but can decrease the harshness of this one particular fold.
Only certain clients are candidates for this injection. Movement and creasing when we smile and express are inevitable. If we take all of that movement away, you won’t look natural.
We want you to feel confident and look your best, natural self so we will take care to make sure your look is refreshed while you still look like you.
Lift your brows with Botox
If you wake up one morning feeling well-rested and ready to go but the person you see in the mirror is tired and worn out, there’s a Botox pick-me-up that can help. Bringing lift to your eyebrows is a simple and impactful way to make you look and feel alert and refreshed.
Just 20 units of Botox between the brows and 16 units in the crow’s feet target muscle areas that naturally pull downward. When Botox relaxes these muscles, they lift. This result is a subtle tightening of the skin above the eyelid and a soft, feminine arch to the brow.
If you struggle with droopy or heavy eyelids naturally, you’re a great candidate for brow lifting.