Creating the Perfect Pout
Your Guide to Lip Enhancements in Rhode Island

lip flip rhode islandIn the ever-evolving world of beauty and aesthetics, achieving the perfect pout has become a coveted goal for many. At Simply Injectables, nestled in the heart of Rhode Island, we have been pioneers in lip enhancement procedures for over a decade. Our journey has been adorned with glowing reviews, a testament not just to our expertise but to the warmth of our incredible patients. The surge in popularity of lip flips, largely fueled by social media platforms like TikTok and Instagram, has particularly caught the attention of our younger clientele. Yet, what sets this procedure apart?

The Essence of the Lip Flip

The lip flip has revolutionized the way we enhance natural beauty, offering a subtle yet significant lift to your smile. This procedure, requiring no more than five minutes, primarily focuses on the delicate balance of muscle control around the mouth. By administering a low dose of Botox or Dysport into four strategic points above the upper lip, we target the muscle that typically causes the lips to purse. Relaxing this muscle while leaving the muscles that elevate the lip untouched results in a gentle, upwards curl of the lip. This elevation, often exceeding 1mm, is designed to enhance the upper lip subtly, suitable for both young and mature clients.

Why Choose the Lip Flip?

For our mature clientele, the lip flip is a fountain of youth, consistently softening vertical lines above the lips with regular treatments. Younger patients benefit from a preemptive strike against the formation of lip lines, all the while enjoying a mild enhancement to their natural lip shape. It’s important to differentiate this from treatments aimed at correcting a gummy smile, which involves adjusting different muscle groups to achieve a balanced, beautiful smile.

Understanding the Procedure and Care

At Simply Injectables, a lip flip is both accessible and affordable, priced around $100, including the initial consultation. The procedure is quick, efficient, and characterized by minimal side effects such as temporary, mild swelling at the injection sites. To ensure the best results and minimize bruising, we advise avoiding certain medications and supplements before your appointment. Intriguingly, recent studies suggest that taking zinc supplements or consuming pineapple, which contains bromelain, may enhance the effectiveness and longevity of the treatment.

Beyond the Lip Flip: Exploring Fillers

While the lip flip offers a subtle elevation, those seeking more volume may find their solution in fillers such as Juvederm or Restylane Kiss. These hyaluronic acid-based fillers draw moisture into the lips, creating a fuller, more defined appearance. It’s a delicate balance, as overfilling can lead to unwanted migration of the product. Our philosophy of ‘less is more’ ensures natural, beautiful results that typically last 9-12 months.

Aftercare and Satisfaction

Post-procedure, it’s common to experience swelling, which usually subsides within a week, revealing the true beauty of the enhancement. We pride ourselves on the satisfaction of our clients, with the vast majority finding no need for touch-ups. However, should adjustments be necessary, they are minor and easily addressed.

Rhode Islands Lip Enhancement Specialist

At Simply Injectables, we are committed to providing Rhode Island with top-tier lip enhancement services, guided by our experience, patient care, and the latest advancements in aesthetics. Whether you’re seeking a subtle lift with a lip flip or a more voluminous look through fillers, our goal is to help you achieve the perfect pout with safety, expertise, and care at the forefront of our practice. Embrace the journey towards your ideal smile with us, where beauty enhancements meet the highest standards of patient satisfaction.

Make your online appointment now!